Well, I’m writing a family travel blog, let the snickering commence. If anything is to happen from my
efforts let my fun, mistakes, and hilarity perhaps tip you towards a few nights, a week, or even more
time on the road changing poopy diapers at thirty-three thousand feet to more profoundly appreciate a
well-deserved flop into crystal clear blue ocean waters under the sun. What can I say? I like to travel, but
so do many other people. Don’t be put off by the long distances or fussing kids.
I’ve travelled extensively alone… do not hesitate to go solo. I’ve travelled extensively as a couple; you
will learn a ton about someone after a ten hour flight and a lost taxi-driver. Now I’m travelling with a
family; packing correctly is an art.
Most importantly I am married to a marvelous woman who loves to travel even more than I do. It helps
when you see eye to eye on why your alarm is going off at 3:15am for a 7am flight with a groggy one
year old who needs a fresh diaper and a warm bottle. So talk about what you want to go see, how to pay
for it, and what your threshold is for haggling with water-taxi drivers, and please discuss all these points
ad-nauseam. Don’t forget to buy travel insurance.
‘Hey Lynch, why is this screed called Willows Passport’
‘Yeah, can you tell it wasn’t my brainchild, I’m just here for content support’.
I’ve read a few other travel blogs and mine is not the one for going off the grid to home school my kids
from a remote beach, or one advocating you to quit your job and become an ‘influencer’. This may be
my bullshit point of view spun with a few laughs, but my intent is not to preach more ‘live your best life’,
and subscribe to these steps to financial independence sans desk… I am not that kind of asshole. I hope
you have some laughs from my typing and just maybe walk away with a few tips. Carpe Diem.